link to page

Just email your link to [email protected] and uKeeper will send a full webpage back. uKeeper helps to keep your web archives in any mailbox, forward full pages from any iOS app and preserve anything important or interesting you found on the Internet.

Jojn Beta

The E-mail field is your regular email. Forwarding e-mail can be your mailbox as well, or evernote’s email, instapaper’s email or whatever email address you like. You don’t need to provide Forwarding e-mail if you wish to get pages to your primary email.


What’s next

uKeeper will scan incoming emails sent to [email protected] (optimized, NICE-mode page) or [email protected] (FULL-mode page) extract a link, retrieve full page, running some magic and then send it back as a good looking page. Very simple for now and very much beta. See also Frequently Asked Questions for more info.

User Agreement

The short version – you use uKeeper as-is, no warranty no obligations. We don’t sell your personal data and don’t use it for anything unexpected. See full User Agreement for details.


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